Testimonies From Storytellers

Isaac McCready

“‘Life motivation comes from the deep longings of the heart, and the passion to see them fulfilled urges you onward.’ - Proverbs 16:26

Maybe this truth revealed to us in Proverbs is why you’ve arrived at the decision to become a storyteller. Maybe it is your act of obedience to Christ’s call and claim on your life. For me it was both. And all I have to offer you is the wisdom from earlier in that same chapter:

“Go ahead and make all the plans you want, but it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps.” - Proverbs 16:2

Should you step into the role of storyteller, you will find both of these truths at work all at once. The calling, the longings, and the passion shall urge you forward, for this is God’s design. However, the moments and places that your feet find footing will not be of your own will or making, for this is the God’s plan.

So surrender! Dream, run, jump, and fly/fall. He will catch you just as he caught Abraham, Moses, Mary, and Jesus. Don’t be surprised if it’s amazing. Don’t be surprised if it’s really hard. Don’t be surprised if you fall in love. Don’t be surprised if your heart is broken. And don’t be surprised when you come out the other side something you had never dreamed or imagined.”

Isaac McCready (Composer, Producer, and Bakhar)

Sherri McCready